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How well do you see?


Spirit operates in series of perfect patterns and design that can be classified as circles, cycles, waves, vibrations and frequencies and other unique and remarkable works. In the recent past we have experienced a new wave of life that rapidly moved our existence to place it is today. Believe it not that wave was seen and experienced in many different ways in many perspectives but also in unison. The Spirit is urging us to unify the Vision by embracing the infinite possibilities of all perspectives.


In this life perspective means a lot more than we may realize, in fact it is everything. Each one of us is born with our own perspective of sight even if for some that may mean using other senses. Our perspectives is what makes us unique but it is also what makes us One. 


In the womb, one of the primary developments is the development of our eyes. Our eyes are directly connected to our brains and therefore our brains are directly connected to our vision. We sometimes may feel that we are taking in the sights around us and all the colors and shapes already exist as we view them from an external perspective, but that is not so. All shapes, sizes, colors, and everything we see is projected from us. This is the reason why you can look at a certain color and see it as pink and another individual sees it as magenta. Who is wrong? No one, vision is how are brains process what we see and experience based on our perspective. Division occurs when we can not appreciate that we all are unique, with our own sight and our own beautiful perspectives. Union occurs when we can put our perspectives together and create a bigger, fuller and more complete picture. 


Remember that God is the head or in other words the brain, so have you synced your vision to Gods sight? Because God is all and all is God in relation to perspective, once we link with Gods brain or thoughts we align with His vision and His Will. We connect with the all and become One. 


If you grew up in the same town as your older relative and you both gave a description of how it was growing up in your town would it be the same? Probably not, but it would still be the same place. Would you say your older relatives perspective is wrong and yours is right, would you call him or her a liar for what they have experienced and what they have seen, just because it is different than your own experience. Perhaps the street sign was not there yet, or the store or the corner has been removed. Perhaps they are color blind and did see the same blue skies you grew up seeing. Rather than deny someone's perspective or vision, understand that it is different. When describing the town, giving someone a better idea of it could require both descriptions so the picture in their mind becomes more accurate. 


God sees all and knows all perspectives because He is all perspectives. He is understands the vision and knows each truth because He is each truth. Our individual perspectives make us who we are as individuals but our collective perspective makes us One with God. We must come together in Spirit and in Truth and move past "this" religion or "that" religion; Jesus or Muhammad; Catholic or Atheist, they could all be apart of the same Vision, the same Spirit, the same God but different perspectives that are all right. 


It is important for Divine being to understand their eternal place in existence in relation to syncing with Gods vision. You must find yourself apart of all of life. 


Extend this vision not only to humans but all true life forms. Forms in which God created to give us healing power, abundance, and goodness. The life of the wind is a part of our sight can you travel to the places the wind has reached and experiences what it has seen. The life of the ocean is apart of Gods Vision, do we know all the places that it has been? We can see many miracles and solve mysteries when we join our perspective with all of life. The vision of God is in all life in all of existence and for all of eternity. In this wave of truth and this cycle of life, we have been given the warning to unify our vision and see more clearly. The time is now to sync your Vision with the vision of God and appreciate all perspectives of life, from the bear in the forest to the birds in the air, the trees, the tiniest ant in the ground and even the perspective of the ocean and wind.


Once you grow your sight then you will experience life everlasting and life more abundantly. 


How well do you see?





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