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What is a Twin Flame?

What is a Twin Flame (Kingdom Union)?
A Twin Flame can also be called a Kingdom Union or know as a Kingdom Husband or Wife. Twin Flame journeys serve an intense Spiritual purpose and are very passion filled connections. These connections are also extremely rare on Earth. Although these mates are connected in existence their awareness of self and one another may vary especially in a given lifetime.  

Twin Flames are always male and female by nature and once they come into union they never divorce. These two are life long lovers and have been around since the beginning of mankind, in fact mankind begun because of this connection. This journey though sacred and divinely guided has had some of the most traumatic life experiences of any humans on earth however, their power to overcome the world and enter into heavenly realms is the major factor of them coming together. 

A Twin Flame is a man and woman who not only come together as One but they originated as One. They are what love, union and marriage is. Twin Flames have the ability to heal the world by bringing into the world new creations of love, they bring into the world more of themselves. They are the authentic and true manifestations of relationships on earth. Their power to heal is what changes the vibration of the worlds and uplifts the Universe. The Twin Flame union is a union which serves the highest purpose of eternity to make "love", true love. 

The Journey:
The Twin Flame Journey starts off before arriving to Earth. They are described by the Angels as One being whose love and purpose was so great that he split into two. From this two came a woman. And from this man and woman came all of mankind. Once these two souls agreed to come to Earth the only way they knew they were true to one another or to 'One'self  was to go to separate places in the world and begin a Journey to find one another; find themselves. This journey required them to search outside of their physical body but not before searching within. The must first go within to see themselves their and once they saw themselves they also saw their mate. This search was a deep search of the heart and connecting with their true state of mind. Here they both find themselves in an unconditional love for who they truly are and therefore, they also have unconditional love for one another. 

This search is not always an easy one in the physical realm, they must walk through self hate, fight battles of fear and overcome deception. Much of these challenges are found in childhood and youth but if unhealed can extend into adulthood, even as seniors. 

What you should to know about Twin Flames.

Twin Flames are tied closely with Soulmates in a sense that most Twin Flames also have Soulmates as a huge part of their lives. This Soulmate can be a best friend or parent but not necessarily a lover unless they have passed on. In fact, one traumatic event that Twin Flames face early on is the loss of a Soulmate. They could have a parent or lover pass on and it causes them to have difficulty in connections. Because Twins naturally live in their own world both apart and together, finding people or a person they really bond with are the only acceptable partners. In the Spiritual realm their Soulmate is still with them even if not in the physical world and in part, the passed on mate can assist them in connecting with their Twin Flame counterpart. 

As the verse goes, God is a jealous God. This reigns true for the Twin Flame connection, so much so that the only mate God will allow his beloved Twin to be with is themselves. Of course, the Twin Flame mate appears to be two in the flesh but they are One in Spirit and in Gods vision. 

Early Life: 
As children, Twin Flames can suffer through poverty, abandonment or neglect (by a parent, both parents or parental figure), sexual, mental/emotional and verbal abuse, childhood illness(es) and having to grow up fast (acting as a parent to siblings, or becoming independent at a young age). Twins most often experience more than one of these events. Because Twins are of One mind and body they often mirror one another, thus, they could have very similar experiences in life. As we mentioned above they may also experience the loss of a Soulmate or someone close. This mate who passed on is commonly seen as the only person they could trust, leaving them again feeling neglected, isolated or abandoned; But they soon learn a deeper connection with Spirit. If this is not the case Twins still find some way to travel outside of this physical world and form a close bond with Spirits.

Their dreams could be very intense, or they could simply have an extremely creative mind that takes them to other realms. However, they are typically very talented in arts including music, dance, painting, etc., gifted in working with their hands, athletic, intuitive, and very Spiritual even as children. This causes the Twins to be misunderstood and sometimes shunned but not for long, their overwhelming love and natural beauty draws others to them and gives them the ability to connect in various crowds and social groups.

Although, they may be loners, they can not resist being there for people or groups where they feel they can offer their gifts. Twin Flames do not always know that they are Twins in the physical world but they know for sure in their Spirit.  They overcome all types of adversity and use their lessons on how to conquer self love to help others do it. Twins learn to be authentically themselves and elevate themselves to a place of truth, anyone can learn to do this individually but they amazing find themselves ascending together. 

In their youth Twins most likely find one another or at least know of one another. However, due to the runner chaser experience it may take a while for them to come into union. As youth the Twins may not have fully recovered from their childhood and still require a great deal of Self Love and Healing. Although they have instant attraction and love at first sight, the Twins have difficulty trusting or being sure of themselves. However, once they both know how one another feels and they have both confessed their interest in one another (possibly at different times) they will come into union fairly quickly. This coming into union will have some challenges because once they are committed there is not going back. So each twin will ensure their past, their insecurities and any conditions on love will not enter into the relationship. This need to prepare creates the Runner/Chaser scenario where it appears that one Twin is running from the other while the other chases. This Runner/Chaser vibe is actually not the case. 

Both Twins will do this at some point before their physical union but runner/chaser is actually not the case, it only feels like so. The Twins already know that they belong together in some respect they already are together and can not leave one another, They are together in every way except for perhaps physically. What really happening is the Twins are preparing themselves for beyond forever with their mate, this can seem overwhelming in the flesh but their Spirit is doing most of the work. The Spirit will not allow broken or unhealed Twins  join because this union is eternal. The flesh has to end soul ties and previous commitments, it has to rid itself of doubt in this connection and realize truth, the flesh has to become one with the Spirit to stay connected with their partner on a Soul level. The Spirit will not allow a union to start just to end in them parting again, the flesh has to align with its Spiritual purpose of true love.  The runner/chaser experience is actually the souls communication with the flesh proclaiming, "I am here to stay." The flesh is therefore preparing itself for an everlasting love. 

Sex and Twin Flame Soulmates:
The Twin Flame sexual experience is one that incorporate telepathy and astral travel. Because these two have the ability to reach Earth Angel level of existence their level of intimacy spans beyond sex. However, all these aspects of the close connections makes for a very intense, sensual, passionate and loving sexual experience. Their sexual encounter is healing, fortifying and pure ecstasy. It is unmatched by any other human beings and for the Twins this level of intercourse can only take place between one another.

Spiritual Contracts and Soul Ties: 
Any previous romantic contracts and ties are broken once the twins come into union. The romantic nature is only amongst one another but they may still keep obligations and commitments outside of romance. Typically they will take on these obligations together, even including things like adopting or fostering children from previous relationships or lifetimes and caring for one another's relatives. Whatever the case may be they fulfill their purpose together. 

Due to Twin Flames extraordinary purpose on earth and beyond, they have Soul ties with the souls in and outside of the world. Literally everyone they know, meet and connect with even those they do not know they are tied to. Their reason for being is for healing and so they heal the world whether they are actively performing healing or just transmitting truth through thoughts. The purpose is to just be themselves and just being who they are is healing. Twin Flames are love, they are unity and they are overcoming the world, for Twin Flames to just exist is written in their Souls Contract and it ties them to all of existence. 

Misconceptions or misleading ideas:

Some may think they are in a Twin Flame connection simply because they can not stop thinking about their partner or lover interest. Some may also feel they have a Twin Flame because they are energetically connected or feel a strong bond with a person. it is possible one can have many characteristics of a Twin Flame in a relationship however, this could still be a Soulmate or possibly even a Karmic Soulmate. Many narcissistic ties and manipulators may carry energy that gives them the power to portray themselves as having characteristics of a Twin but they could simply just be controlling or a powerful low level energy. Twin Flames would under no circumstance, physically or mentally harm, abuse or manipulate their mate once they are in union or intimate. In fact if a Twin is still in a Karmic cycle or toxic energy they will more than likely stay away from from their partner until they are in a better head space, this is the true running/chaser idea. See Twin Flame Q and A's for more details on this topic.

Also, a Twin would never have another commitment outside of their Twin Partner at this level of the Spectrum of Love, Soulmates may be able to have multiple partner relationships or even connect to other mates but in romantic relationships even that is rare. It is important to know a Twin will not leave their mate (also known as themselves) with a child, responsibility or serious commitment without being committed to them, in other words Twins do not have children without being in 'Holy' Matrimony with solely One Another as 'One'. This does not always have to be as traditional as everyone may see it but it will be as traditional or righteous as they know it to be. Once Twins are in union no one and nothing can separate them in any way except a physical death and even that is not always the case. If a Twin has ever been in an intimate or sexual situation with heir partner their union will be inseparable, consummated, and an example for other true love unions to learn from the moment they enter one another's world. If this is not the story two partners are living then they are probably not Twin Flames or in Kingdom Unions and that is ok. There is nothing wrong with Soulmate or The Lovers Union however, the traits of a Twin Flame is what makes this Man and Wife's (Adam and Eve) so rare.

The masculine and feminine energy of the Twins balanced within their energy as well as balanced in the physical world in their flesh is truly the work of Heaven and the Creation of God. This man and woman naturally multiplying the world with life and love in both energy and human life makes them who they are as one. This idea is not to be tainted in any way. Every connection should be respected and understood as they all serve a purpose so it is important not to be deceived by misconceptions and misleading ideas as some ideas would make any and every connection a Twin Flame or Kingdom Union, which is simply not accurate.

Many may claim Twin Flame Unions for themselves however, again these Unions are very sacred, rare and serve an intense eternal purpose. It is important to know the Twin Flame/Kingdom Union accurately and not to corrupt its pure nature as it is a Union that is directly of Heaven and created by God in Holy Matrimony between man and woman. This union is one of the first with the purpose of being fruitful and multiplying in the way God intended. It holds roots in its reasoning for a God created woman to be designed as a companion for a God created man. Harmful, destructive and unholy behavior would never be apart of Gods plan for a Union this high in The Spectrum Of Love. Therefore, there is such a high calling to keep this Sacred Kingdom Union just as it is intended to be 'Sacred'.


How to maintain a fulfilling Journey.

Just be you...there is nothing left to do, say, or be but be yourself. 

The best way for Twins to maintain a healthy journey is by expressing their truth. This involves being honest with how they feel for one another in the physical world. A huge start to this union is confessing who they are to themselves and every soul around. For the Twin Flames all they have to do is stay true to themselves and they will maintain a fulfilling journey.  

*Would you like to find out more about the Twin Flame Journey? If yes, Click here.

Definitions: (Spirit Definition)


Twin Flame:  A person ideally suited to another as a close friend or romantic partner. 




Astral Travel:


Ascend/Ascension: DNA is defined as a self-replicating material that is present in nearly all living organisms as the main constituent of chromosomes. It is the carrier of genetic information. Spiritual DNA is mimicked by earthly DNA in a sense where we have the ability to produce more of oneself. 





Keep in mind there are various other relationships and types of relationships on the spectrum. On The Spectrum of Love there are other types of connections that do not fall in the category of Soulmate, Karmic Soulmate or Twin Flame. This does not mean that these relationships are unimportant it just means that the lessons are not the same as those mentioned here. Each relationship or connection holds its weight in trials. It is best to understand that the purpose or calling of each relationship is different, rather than to compare them. This website is to help you see were yourself for who you are, it is your choice to accept it. 


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