D a y T h r e e :
S e l f L o v e W o r k s h o p
S a b b a t h D a i s
Being True
Sometimes we can become overwhelmed by what we think we should be doing, what tasks we can complete, what goals we can accomplish, what we can do to make our families proud but sometimes the only thing left to do is doing nothing at all.
How amazing would it be to have completed every task, accomplished every goal and uplifted the members of your family just by being true? Well that is exactly all that needs to be done. You are already a miracle and therefore, you perform miracles everyday by simply existing. You are great not because of what you do but because you of who you are.
It is important to accept yourself for all your natural abilities and continue rising into your purpose. It is in your power to resist the world forcing its own purpose onto who you are. This is true for each individual on an individual level and for all as a whole. We can not allow the expectations of the world to detour us from the truth of being Divinely made Beings. If you are being your authentic self, you are doing all that needs to be done.
Who am I Now?
As growing, ascending and living beings we are transforming everyday. How we feel and what we think could change our future, in fact, it could change in the next second. As we learn we grow and as we accept more about our true selves we ascend. Ascending is the action of rising into place and discovering purpose, in this rise we are evolving. We literally leave our past selves behind using what was learned to step into our new place and make better decisions towards the purpose of our new selves. However, if we are not careful we can repeat unlearned lessons and start to descend, requiring ourselves to step back into the past to learn what we did not accept previously.
Today, we are completely new, we often do not think of how we started this life as infant babies and now we have completely grown into adults. Our minds, our bodies and maybe even our families have grown. This does not just happen in the physical form but in the Spiritual form too. Think of how much you have grown as a human, be sure to include everything that is apart of who you are. Consider your growth in stature, accomplishments, family, property, everything that carries your energy and everything that has been given to you in this lifetime. If you think on those things in the physical world how much more growth can you imagine your Spirit has done over time and even lifetimes.
You are constantly evolving to fit the new you and become more responsible for all that is yours, this includes yourself. You are created by love, made with love and you are love, so let yourself know when you are ready to embrace more of it.