D a y T w o :
S e l f L o v e W o r k s h o p
S a b b a t h D a i s
Here is a not so secret, secret...Forgiveness is inevitable. It is not necessary nor is it required for you to force yourself to forgive, that would make you not have forgiven. Forgiveness only works when it is genuine because, as you may know, it is about you more than it is about the other person or situation. If one tries to believe a situation did not happen, that is not forgiving and if you try to forget a situation or individual that is still not forgiving, these ideas are actually deceiving yourself into thinking you have forgiven when you are still being haunted by a past.
Forgiveness means that you have accepted what has happened simply because it has already happened. The idea that everything that was intended to happen, happens is the perfect way to summarize the vision of forgiveness. What occurs is intended for a higher purpose of learning a lesson in our specific existence. In hindsight, all forgiveness really is, is acceptance. Forgiveness of your parents, your siblings, your ex partners and even forgiveness of yourself allows you to embrace your own life. However, forgiveness is not necessarily a requirement in this place called Earth, once you leave this particular lifetime behind, forgiving happens anyway.
The truth of forgiveness is about unforgiveness. Consider this it is actually important to be unforgiving before you can truly forgive, in fact they do not exist without one another. Which ever way you see it, immediate forgiveness is more-so deceit or delusion but releasing unforgiveness is truth and is a marvelous feeling. For example if you did something wrong to someone but never felt remorseful about it because you simply forgave yourself right away, you would probably not learn the lessons in doing the right thing. But if you showed remorse and felt the pains of unforgiveness towards yourself, you may be more apt to not do that wrong again.
Although, you should never stay in remorse, anger, guilt, blame or unforgiveness too long, it can be helpful to think on it until you have accepted that what has already happened, is a part of life. The sooner you think on it and move on the sooner you have released it. Whatever happens is all a part of the lesson in your existence. Once you have learned and accepted your lesson, unforgiveness is no longer needed and the more you hang on to it the more you take on unacceptance of this lesson.
Each lesson of life is valuable in learning more of who you are and therefore, pleasant or unpleasant, it was intended for your experience. Yes, kind words are necessary especially if an apology is due but it may be more beneficial to apologize to yourself for holding on to negative feelings for too long. Forgiveness is not about verbally expressing you're sorry or that you forgive, it is about truly accepting everything as a lesson in becoming a better you. Forgiveness is about accepting what happened so you can learn the lesson and release the pain. The sooner you accept this experience the sooner you will defeat the hold of unforgiveness. In going into the next life, forgiveness is inevitable, so why not do it now, for your own self acceptance?