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S e l f   L o v e  W o r k s h o p

   S a b b a t h   D a i s



The World can put so many expectations on a Man. So, what expectations are necessary and which are not? What is a man intended to be in the World and can anyone truly accomplish all the various roles society outlines for men? The answer is it does not really matter. There is nothing for a man to do, there are no special roles for a man to fulfill and there is no special tasks that a male comes to this Earth having to complete other than this one thing.


Men are often given identities based on Earthly concepts and not Spiritual truth. They can be viewed as hard workers or lazy, tough or weak, too emotional or not emotional enough, there does not seem to be an in between and there can be such drastic judgements on who a man should be. The truth is a man should not be anything but himself. Man was not put on Earth to fulfill some Earthly requirement or complete a certain role but rather each man was put here to be himself. The world can try to make it so difficult just to be authentic that we can get confused by what is real and what is fake, what is truth and what is lies but we must remember who we are. It is important to learn from what we do or even what we have done but it is imperative to know who we are and who we have always been throughout existence. ​


A man has all the capacity to not only be lovers but to be love itself, so you are already loving just by being you. Men are not only creative but creation itself, so you are already creating. Men are not just providing but they are providers and this is who they are simply by existing in life.


As a Man you are everything you need to be by being made in the image of God, there is nothing left to do but to "be yourself." But this means you must know and study who self is. You may not have a specific "male" task to complete but you do have a responsibility and that is to yourself and all that is yours. This responsibility is apart of you, as a man, a protector, a provider and the first to be made in the image of God. Self Love can help you see the blinding effects of Self Hate. Once you can see yourself, only then can you see all that you are and all that is yours.

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