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S a b b a t h  D a i s

Quick Information for healing that the
Children of God should know right now:


Anointing Oil and Holy Water:

For Oil to be anointed and water to be Holy is must first be pure. Any tainted oil or water may not be blessed, this means that any oil to be anointed by the Spirit should be in its most natural form or purified by fire or getting rid of any additives or modifications. Oils with added fragrance or additives should not be used to anoint your head or body. Anointing with oil should be done regularly to hair (being the head) and skin (being the body). Anointing requires prayer which means the intent of this oil should only be seen and known as being for blessings and holiness. To pray over this oil is to know and trust all of its healing qualities and honor its power. Oil not only keeps the elasticity of the skin well lubricated and active but it can also lubricate the internal organs when pure oil is consumed in moderation. It stimulates the brain and assists with memory and fully functioning organs. When anointed oil is applied to skin and hair it can keep the exterior fortified, glowing, and healthy. This works miracles in health when if used regularly but in proper amounts.


Holy Water is very similar and must be pure or filtered or purified. Water can be pure by using heat and sifting. Water only acts as healing or Holy when it is natural and blessed by the Gods. It must not have any artificial additives or modifications for example bleach, alcohol, sugars, etc. Holy water is made Holy by its proper use and if it is in a state of healing and hydrating. Added elements can change the state of the water to become dehydrating and cause illness. The only Holy water is water that is purified and blessed by the Gods. The Gods will only give their blessing when the water is intended for to benefit the Children of the Most Hight God.






Herbs and Medicine:

Could you be addicted to drugs but you do not know? Herbs are naturally provided by the Earth and created by God. So what is the difference between Herbs and Drugs? the biggest difference is modification. The differences are many but the most important that the Angels wanted to emphasize is modifications. The adding of bleach, alcohol and other chemicals or any chemicals at all to herbs is modification and it alters Gods natural creation out of its pure state, which can cause more harm than good. This is the same idea for any modification of Gods creation and any alterations takes away the authenticity and purity of his works. But in this case focusing on herbs and medicine the Angels urge us to look to the most natural, pure healing we can find and be sure not to over indulge or become addicted as addictions is a sign of impurity, toxins and poison. 


Medications we are given by the world is not designed to heal but to keep us addicted. Medicines are a sign that toxins have been tearing down our bodies and minds and when are given more to inflict sedation but not true healing. We are being guided not to cut out medication all together if you are not yet in a place where you can do that but be mindful of what you are taking and perhaps look for better alternatives in nature. You must look to the natural herbs that gradually heal your body and mind and not just drugs that immediately trick you into addiction.







Sage and Smudging:

God provided the Earth with so many healing resources to heal his children. In fact the Earth itself was designed so that the Children of God were supported by aspects of themselves found in nature and purity. There are different types of sage and aromas for all types of cleansing healing and providing clarity. You would need to find the ones best for you should you decide to use them. However, all the natural and pure aroma therapy, cleansing healing and mental clarity benefits of sage, herbs and flowers when used in their most natural form are sanctioned by God. Saging and Smudging the aromas and medicinal properties found in trees, flowers, herbs and other naturally given resources can not only be good for the human body but the mind and Spirit as well. Lighting sage and smudging can ward of evil Spirits and negativity after all it is a natural gift from God. 


However, it is important to be careful when dealing with energy and Spirits, be sure that your mind is clear and your heart has pure intentions. Opening yourself up to truth using the natural powers of the Earth combined with your own strength and power will reveal much truth and clarity. You must have a pure heart as some truth will not be easy to deal with and may be made known to you. With the use of resources from the Earth you are opened up to powers you may not be aware of even within yourself. If you are not ready to handle truth and see the truth (physically and Spiritually) you may want to strengthen your heart and love before performing sage and smudging rituals.







Chakras are an aspect of Hindu teachings and can be a valuable lesson in health. The make up of the energy of the body and where different energies register can be described using the understanding of Chakras. Chakras can be used to help understand your sense of power throughout the body and in different places in the body. Essentially, the lessons of Chakras can teach you how you can be mindful of your own energy which flows through these different registers. Listed below are the 7 major Chakras there are many others however, the below Chakras are the most commonly known major registers. Opened Chakras create balance in your life but when Chakras are closed or blocked there can be chaos, stress and/or frustration. It is important to allow the energy of these registers to flow as it will bring to your life much peace and healing.

















































Stones and Crystals:

Another natural element or elements that God provided to the Earth or Earth itself is stones and crystals. Stones and crystals can be very helpful when it comes to healing and powerful resources to help aid manifestation but are they required? That depends on your level of knowing and if you are aware of the great power you have. There is no problem with honoring the power of these rocks or even having them as your own but know that it is not always required for manifestation and truth. 


These beautiful gifts have incredible healing qualities but know that the very elements found in them are also in you and more. In fact all the elements are in you, minerals and clay, water, air in your lungs and even fire in your belly as your the stomach has been described as the hottest place on Earth. You are the element, stone you are the crystals, whether it is diamonds, amethyst, obsidian, quartz or any other rock; You have just as much healing power in you than anything else. The same minerals, sand and clay that make up these gifts are also what makes up your gift, which is you.


You may find it beneficial to use these resources as support to channel, read or provide healing assistance but know that you do not need to use them in excess, collect them or have an over abundance of them as they are already all around you on Earth and even within. 







Nature and Outdoors:

There is much healing in nature and nature itself is literally were healing comes from. God gave us this natural support for healing and purification. Below are the top benefits Sabbath Dais found to simply getting out in nature. All these qualities of nature are imperative for body, mind and soul; The physical and Spiritual body. Keep in mind the following key factors for healing and that living things need these natural properties for growth. 


- Enlightened Ones must be sure to get what we need from nature. Trees, plants and other vegetation are a good source of cleaning and filtering air. This makes going outside in nature around vegetation healthier for your lungs. Consider bring plants and flowers inside your home if you are willing to take care of them. Also, walking in high vegetated areas like forests and parks may be a good idea. (Be sure it is a safe environment and you have someone you trust with you.)


- Children of God consider going to beaches, oceans and other clean bodies of water more. Ocean water is great for purification, water that is not highly polluted can be very cleansing and have healing power. Salt in Salt water and the freshness of fresh water can be extremely good for our bodies healing and hydration. However, before drinking water ensure it is safe to consume. Baptism are not some ritualistic religious practice, in the Spirit this is your need to be submerged in natural Holy Water, so do it. (Be sure it is a safe environment and you have someone you trust with you.)


- Divine Beings make sure you are getting enough Sun. Natural Sunlight is great for healing not only can it rapidly heal scars, balance the bodies fungal and bacterial needs, and energize the body but it also is a great source for positivity and emotional well being. Getting the right amount of natural sunlight is imperative to healing and it is important to take some time to enjoy nature. 


The 7 Major chakras:
A few key aspects of Chakras
The Crown chakra
The seventh Chakra is the crown Chakra located just above the head. It is represented by the color purple and symbolizes Spiritual Connection and transformations. It can promote Divine encounter or interactions. 
  • Inspiration
  • Divinity
  • Mindful Breathing
  • Release 
The third Eye chakra
The sixth Chakra is the crown Chakra and can be found right above and in between the eyes or in the center of the forehead. It is represented by deep blue and symbolizes increasing your inner self and knowing you are a part of the Universe.
  • Intuition
  • Perception
  • Higher state of consciousness
  • Truth
The Throat chakra
The fifth Chakra is the Throat Chakra and is at the center of the larynx. It is represented by the color bright blue and symbolizes communication. A misaligned Throat Chakra can be indicated by throat troubles such as imbalanced thyroid, sore throat, unable to communicate/speak up or hearing difficulties.
  • Security
  • Leadership
  • Expression
  • Communication
The Heart chakra
The fourth Chakra is the Heart Chakra which is located in the heart space along the center of the spine. Also known as the primary Chakra it is represented by the color green. The Heart Chakra symbolizes the release of grief and forgiveness.
  • Balance
  • Calmness
  • Serenity
  • Love
  • Compassion
  • Kindness
The Solar Plexus chakra
The third Chakra is the Solar Plexus Chakra. It is sometimes known as the secondary Chakra but is responsible for confidence and self esteem.  It can be found centered in the stomach area just beneath the breast bone. It is represented by the color yellow.
  • Digestion
  • Emotional Healing
  • Personal Power
The sacral chakra
The second Chakra is the Sacral Chakra located two inches below the belly button. It is represented by the color orange and symbolizes creativity, sensitivity, self expression and intimacy.
  • Sexuality
  • Emotional Well being
  • Hydration
The root chakra
The first Chakra is the Root Chakra located the base of the spine. It is represented by the color red and symbolizes your sense of stability and security.
  • Health
  • Stability
  • Energetic 
  • Fearless
Anointing Oil and Holy Water
Herbs and Medicine
Sage and Smudging
Stones and Crystals
Nature and Outdoors
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